Saturday, August 27, 2011

I got my gown for the upcoming Miss Texas State at large pageant. I am borrowing it from a friend.  It is tan and gold. It has beautiful bead work. It has layers of chiffon and is strapless. I am dying my shoes this week too. I am going to look amazing in it. 
 I have competed in several different systems over the past 10 years. I have tried to find the place where I would be welcomed, appreciated and respected.  I think we all need that in life. 

Gay drag pageants are modeled after traditional beauty pageants. Most drag pageants have an evening gown category, a talent category, and sometimes and interview/Q&A portion of the contest. I also know of one pageant that has a swim suit contest. I do not compete in contest with those. This type of contest is best suited to transsexual contestants. (I would look like an over weight whale wearing spandex.) There are many pageant systems out there.  I have competed in two of the nations largest, which are The Miss Gay America system and the USofA System.  Then there are smaller systems, like the Texas State system.  It has grown over the past four years, and I have worked closely with the pageants, both as an entertainer and MC.  Now I will be competing.

I will give the short history of the Texas State Pageant system.  The two owners of the Texas State Pageant system are from Wylie Texas, just outside of Dallas.   About five years ago, they were running another pageant system for a man in San Antonio. They had some issues with the man who owned the pageant. They parted ways. They decided to venture out and start their own system. They held the First Miss Gay Texas State at Large pageant the following fall.  (At large means that all of the contestants are plus size) And the first three years were a success. So last year, they added a regular size category.  Now each year they will crown a plus size drag queen and a regular size drag queen. These two winners will represent the pageant system at shows, community fundraisers, and the set preliminary contests. They also work as a liaison for the pageant owners. They will then relinquish their titles the following year, when a new group will compete. I have gotten to know the owner of the Miss Texas State pageant. I also became friends with the current Miss Texas State at Large titleholder, Amber Daniels.  She and I have worked together for a few years in Fort Worth. I also enjoy hanging out with her out side of drag. She is a good friend. She loves to laugh and socialize. She convinced me to enter a preliminary pageant about two months ago. I won Miss Fort Worth State at Large prelim. So now I have about a week left until the State pageant. I am excited because I feel that it is a big opportunity.  I want to do well and win. But if I don’t, I am ready for that too. In the overall scheme of life, it is just a drag contest.  Also I just want to have fun and enjoy the moment.  I feel stronger as a person, ready as an entertainer and established in my goals. 

The pageant on Labor Day weekend should go well. It will last two days. I have built my props for talent, I am wearing a beautiful gown, and I completing last minute preparations this week. I have enjoyed being apart of this group of friends and entertainers.  In the past it has been difficult to deal with people who are trouble makers or two faced queens, but over all, I feel the Texas State pageant system is a good for me. 

My clock prop for my Talent.  I will be a princess who moves up to the big time.I have to add the mediment to the top and paint it all for the competetion. My clock lights up during the talent.
My theme is time. I will be a princess who cast off her flowing gown to revele a broadway dance costume. I will jazz dance to BIG TIME by Linda Eder.

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