Thursday, August 18, 2011

I felt embarrassed

I made the mistake of letting a co-worker read the story about my Grandma before I posted it.  I was trying to be open and share. I was proud of it. I know I am not writer. I have found that telling small stories about me, my life, and my family are helpful to my understanding of myself.  My co-worker read what I was working on, but she did not ‘get it’.  She said the story was nice, but why is it important? She asked.  Does the world care about your dead grandmother?  I felt embarrassed.  (I don’t think I will let her read anymore.)  I don’t think she understood personal significance of just telling about it.  I am at a time in my life where I need to let go, move on and take control.  My blog is not about using proper grammar and turning a beautiful phrase.  I will leave that to the professionals.  Also our time on earth is limited.  I have seen loved ones pass.  I don’t want all my life to be forgotten. I hope that someone will take value in knowing I shared part of myself.  I know only a hand full of people may read what I write, but it is important to me.  I have lived a life like no one else.  My sister, who reads my blog, said I write and my voice comes through.  I appreciate that. 


cooper2976 said...

Thank you for sharing your story about your grandma! I am sure she was a very special lady! I think that all grandparents are special. I still have my grandma and I can't imagine my life without her. She has done so much for not only me but for my family. She is pretty much the rock that keeps us grounded! I am sure that you grandma would appreciate this tribute to her! Again, Thanks for sharing!! Hugs!

Mattie Madison said...

Grandparents are wonderful. May you share many more great memories with yours. love ya.

Spring track meet 1985

In the spring, my elementary school would have a city track meet.   Much a like a real competitive track meet, the elementary school tra...